Showing posts with label food laws. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food laws. Show all posts

How the Bible Defines Food

How the Bible Defines Food | Land of Honey

What does the Bible mean when it uses the word food or talks about eating and what we consume? It's important that we correctly define food in the same way that Scripture does, so that we will rightly understand passages that talk about food and eating in both the Old and New Testaments.

While it might seem like the obvious definition of food is anything we eat, if we extrapolate that just a little bit further we can quickly see that it will get us into trouble if we don't draw any boundaries. If you've ever travelled to a place that's foreign to you, you've probably had the experience of seeing someone eat, or being offered yourself, something that is not food to you. Play-Doh does not become food if a child chooses to consume it. If you offer food to a friend, it would be upsetting if they ate your bouquet of flowers instead. Someone eating it does not mean it is food.

Many religious people will tell you that we are free to eat anything we like, be it Play-Doh or whatever else. Others will tell you that studying food from a Biblical perspective is nothing but legalism. While I don't think food is the most important subject in the Bible, it comes up enough both in Scripture and in our daily lives, that it's worth investigating. Adam and Eve had to leave the Garden of Eden because of what they ate. Food matters to God.

Adam and Eve had to leave the garden because of what they ate. Food matters to God. | Land of Honey

If we don't look at food in the same way as the Bible, we are going to end up with some bad assumptions and misunderstandings of verses that talk about food, such as Mark 7, Acts 10, Romans 14, and more. We simply cannot understand a verse speaking of food correctly if we don't define 'food' the same way the authors of the Bible did. Let's take a look at the definitions of food the Bible gives us.

The first instruction about food in the Bible comes in Genesis 1:29.

Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the earth and every tree that has fruit in it. They will be yours for food."

Originally, plants were the only thing the Creator said mankind could eat. But note that it wasn't all plants that could be eaten, there were stipulations. Fruit trees and plants with seeds could be eaten. You could also make the argument that all the original edible plants were perennial. But later after the fall, we learn that annual vegetal plants could also be eaten.

"In toil you shall eat from the ground." -Genesis 3:17

If we stick with the above argument that only perennial plants were initially eaten, like the fruit trees that produce on their own with no input from man, the toil seems to imply that what needs planted year by year is now also okay to eat. This would include plants like grains, legumes, and annual vegetables.

How the Bible Defines Food - Genesis 3:17 Bible verses on eating | Land of Honey

It wasn't until after the flood that YHWH gave Noah permission to eat animals as well.

"Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, as I gave you the green plants." -Genesis 9:3

At first glance, it can seem like YHWH is saying that any animal can now be eaten. But if we catch the caveat: as I gave you the green plants, we see there were stipulations. Not all the plants were permissible to eat, just ones that met the criteria. Not long before this in Genesis 7:2, God tells Noah that he is to bring seven pairs of the "clean animals" onto the ark. We can see from this that Noah knew, or learned, the difference between which animals were clean and which were not. It would make no sense for this distinction to be present if it didn't have some sort of significance.

Leviticus 11 quotes YHWH directly, telling us which animals can be eaten, and which cannot. In some cases, it even explains how we can tell if it can be eaten or not. For example, the Bible says that fish need to have fins and scales in order to be eaten. You might catch a fish that you're not familiar with, but you can use this information to tell if it is edible or not.

"Of all the beasts of the earth, these ones you may eat: any animal that has a split hoof completely divided and that chews the cud." -Leviticus 11:2-3

It goes on to give examples of animals that meet one of these criteria, but not both (camels, rock badgers, rabbits, pigs), and says not only that these shouldn't be eaten, but that we shouldn't even touch the carcasses.

You may eat any animal that has a split hoof and chews the cud. -Leviticus 11:2-3 - what the Bible says we can eat | Land of Honey

On fish, the Bible says they need to have both fins and scales to be eaten in Leviticus 11:9. Eating sea creatures without these is forbidden, and are considered abominable.

Of all the creatures living in the water, you may eat any that has fins and scales. -Deuteronomy 14:9 | Land of Honey

Leviticus 11:13 tells us specific birds that are not to be eaten, including vultures, falcons, ravens, ostriches, owls, bats, storks, and herons.

All insects are off limits, except for locusts, grasshoppers, and crickets. (Leviticus 11:20-21)

Those are the instructions the Bible gives about eating.

Plants, tree fruit, and animals that meet these specifications are food. Animals that don't are not. If the Bible says it shouldn't be eaten, the Bible does not consider it food.

Note that the Bible's definition of food doesn't mean there aren't people who won't follow these instructions. Lamenting about people who eat animals that God says are off-limits comes up in the Bible (Isaiah 66:17 is one example). It's also not saying that animals not permissible to eat will poison or harm you if you do choose to consume them. The Bible defines food according to what the Creator says we can eat - not according to what physically can be eaten, or what is popular in our culture. Following the Bible's instructions about what we eat is a way we can honor YHWH. The New Testament tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:31 that we can eat in a way that glorifies God.

So when New Testament authors make statements about "food," they only mean what the Bible says is permissible for eating. Fish with fins and scales are included in the Biblical definition of food, but sea creatures without them (such as shrimp, dolphins, eels, and scallops), are not considered food by the Bible's authors.

Using the Bible's definition of food will change how you understand many Scripture passages, including some of the Messiah's words!

More on understanding food in the Bible:
Romans 14 Explained
Understanding the Messiah Declaring All Foods Clean
Why 1 Timothy 4 Doesn't Mean that All Animals Should Be Eaten

Romans 14 Explained (Key to Understanding New Testament Verses on Food)

Romans 14 Explained - Understanding the New Testament's teachings about food | Land of Honey

Much of Christianity believes that in the New Testament the commandments about what we should not eat are done away with through the work of the Messiah. This idea stems from misunderstanding New Testament Bible passages. If we take a closer look, we will see that Scripture never changes the Living God's instructions about what we eat! It's time to see that point of the Messiah's death was to provide redemption for people, not to add pig flesh to our diets.

Here on the blog, we've already tackled misunderstood passages of the New Testament like, Jesus made all foods clean, Peter's hearing the voice say to eat unclean animals, and eating whatever is set before you. Links are below if you'd like to check out those topics later, but for now we are going to focus on Romans 14.

This passage of Scripture comes up in nearly every discussion about believers and what we eat. It gets thrown out as a catch all, "But Romans 14 says no food is wrong to eat and it's up to our conscience to decide!" Let's take a few minutes to learn to understand that passage of Scripture that has been misunderstood and abused.

The Messiah died to redeem us from sin. not to add pigs to our diet. | Land of Honey

Explaining Romans 14:

"One person believes it is right to eat anything. But another believer with a sensitive conscience will eat only vegetables. Those who feel free to eat anything must not look down on those who don't. And those who don't eat certain foods must not condemn those who do, for God has accepted them." -Romans 14:2-3

"See? Paul is saying that it's right to eat anything and we shouldn't judge what someone else eats because God accepts it, right? So we can eat any animals now, even what were considered abominable in the Old Testament." This logic is used by many believers, and it's extremely flawed. Nowhere in Romans (or anywhere else in the Bible) does it talk about a debate of whether or not it's okay to eat the animals that Leviticus 11 says not to. The subject in question is that while some people choose a vegetarian diet, others eat permissible meats. How do we know they're talking about clean animals? Because the Bible defines food as what YHWH says we can eat. Since Leviticus 11:41 says that things like pigs, dogs, most insects, lions, camels, etc. are not food, we know that "those who don't eat certain foods," weren't eating animals the Bible considers food - such as beef and lamb. This whole debate is about if you have to be a vegetarian, or if it's okay to eat the animals that the Old Testament says you can. 

Romans 14 is not talking about anyone eating what the Bible says is not permissible!

How do we know the discussion in romans 14 is talking about permissible animals and not all animals?    Because the Bible defines food as what the living god says we can eat. - Romans 14 Explained | Land of Honey

"I know and am convinced on the authority of the Messiah that no food, in and of itself, is wrong to eat." -Romans 14:14a

Again, the subject here is food, as defined by the Bible. Paul is saying that if the Bible says something is food, then it can be eaten. This fits with other parts of Scripture, like the Messiah saying that the bread his disciples were eating was not unclean, even though they hadn't kept a manmade tradition of ritual hand washing in Mark 7, and 1 Timothy 4 that says that false teachers will promote a demonic idea that not all foods - again things the Bible says we can eat - should be eaten.

Paul is not saying that it's okay to go directly against what the Bible says and eat abominable creatures. 

Understanding Romans 14 and how Apostle Paul defined food | Land of Honey

"If another believer is distressed by what you eat, you are not acting in love if you eat it. Don't let your eating ruin someone for whom the Messiah died." -Romans 14:15

It is somewhat mystifying that the same people who throw Romans 14 up as a license to consume literally anything they want...from abominable animals to psychedelic drugs...conveniently skip over this verse. Here's a Bible passage reminding us that our choices about what we eat have very real effects on others, and that we should do our very best to act in love and consideration! 

I hope this explanation sheds light on what Paul meant by these words in Romans. When we understand that New Testament authors used the Bible's definition of what food is, then Scripture doesn't contradict itself! 

Romans 14 Explained - the key to understanding Paul's writings about food | Land of Honey

More about eating:
Did Jesus Declare All Foods Clean?
Understanding Peter's Vision
Should We Eat Whatever is Set Before Us?
1 Timothy 4 Explained

1 Timothy 4 Explained (and why it doesn't mean all animals should be eaten)

1 Timothy 4  Explained (and why it doesn't mean that all animals should be eaten) | Land of Honey

A common question related to Biblical eating is what about 1 Timothy 4? Many people believe that this verse not only says that we can eat whatever we want, but that those advocating for following the Bible's dietary laws are following demonic teachings that come from deceptive spirits! Many people think 1 Timothy 4 teaches that the commandments regarding food have been done away with.

Let's take a look at this verse before we discuss how this does not mean that all animals can or should be eaten or that the laws surrounding what we eat are no longer in effect.

"Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. These people are hypocrites and liars, and their consciences are dead. They will say it is wrong to be married and wrong to eat certain foods. But God created those foods to be eaten with thanks by faithful people who know the truth. Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it but receive it with thanks. For we know it is made acceptable by the word of God and prayer." -1 Timothy 4:1-5

If you come from a background of belief that all the Biblical dietary laws have been done away with, then it's easy to read this passage to mean that literally anything you pray over can be received as food. God created everything to be eaten, right?

But take a closer look at the wording. The issue at hand is not that people are saying it's wrong to eat certain animals. The problem is that they are teaching that certain FOODS are wrong to eat. Big difference here! When the authors of the Bible speak, they do so with the foundational assumption that the Bible has already defined what does and what does not count as "food."

The Bible defines food in:

-Genesis 1:29

"Every seed bearing plant and the fruit trees."

-Leviticus 11

"Of all the animals that live on the land, these are the ones you may eat..."  Which goes on to explain which animals, birds, fish, and insects can and cannot be eaten.

The issue at hand is not that people are saying it's wrong to eat certain animals. The problem is that they are teaching that certain FOODS are wrong to eat. Big difference here! When the authors of the Bible speak, they do so with the foundational assumption that the Bible has already defined what food is. | Land of Honey

The Bible explains that animals that are considered abominable should not be eaten in Leviticus 11:41. They should not be eaten, because they are not food according to Scripture. So when 1 Timothy 4:3 says that God created foods to be eaten, it's talking about what the Bible considers food. It does not mean that everything on the planet is considered fit for consumption. This passage does not mean that animals like pigs, dogs, cats, or shellfish can be eaten if we give thanks, because Paul, the author, did not consider these animals to be food since the Bible says they aren't.

Think this is a crazy idea? If you invite me over and say, "Help yourself to some snacks on the counter," what you mean is that I can eat the food you have out on the counter - things like apple slices, bread, cheese, carrot sticks, and cookies. You're not saying that I can eat the bouquet of flowers, the dish soap, sponge, potted plant, pet goldfish, the receipt for the groceries or whatever else you have on the counter, because you don't consider those things to be food. YHWH did not say that these things are food, so therefore we shouldn't consume them.

What is 1 Timothy 4 talking about then? This warning from Paul is that false teachers will come along who disagree with the Bible and teach that certain things the Bible says can be eaten, shouldn't be. We should always be on guard against anyone who is saying something that contradicts the teachings and commandments of Scripture! It seems likely that Paul could be referring to those who say that any animal or animal products - ones like cows and sheep that the Bible expressly says may be eaten - should not be eaten. This goes against specific instructions of Scripture that enumerate which animals may be eaten, as well as many examples of godly men and women in the Bible eating and serving these products, like when Abraham and Sarah fed meat and curds to their heavenly visitors and the Messiah served fish to his followers.

This could also have to do with many believers who insist on following not just Bible dietary commands, but Jewish kosher laws which add many manmade rules to the simple directions the Bible gives. As we've discussed in other posts, the Bible does not teach that meat and dairy products can't ever cross paths at all, but Jewish laws say they shouldn't even be used in the same kitchen. This is another undue burden to place on others. These rules may be well-intended, but it's still wrong to put manmade rules on par with Biblical law, or to claim that those manmade traditions are the same as what the Living God commands!

1 Timothy 4:5 supports the idea that these people will teach that certain Biblically permissible foods are off limits (as well as teaching that it's wrong to be married). We see that in the phrasing, "We know it is made acceptable by the word of God." This means that the author is referring to animals/foods that the Bible expressly says we can eat. How can we be sure something is food even if a faith movement, pastor, or author say it's not? We check the Bible and see what it says! Paul is drawing attention to the fact that Scripture decides what is acceptable or not before YHWH. Not religious leaders advocating for extra rules. Not people who are sensitive about eating animals. Not people who think that Jesus did away with the food laws. Not well intentioned people fearful of allergies. Not denominational doctrine. Not people who abuse the Bible and say that Scripture only permits veganism. Just the Bible. Scripture is the only thing that gets to decide what food is.

1 Timothy 4:1-5 explains that we should be leery of anyone changing the Bible's laws around food, not that we shouldn't follow Scripture's instructions!

1 Timothy 4:1-5 explains that we should be leery of anyone changing the Bible's laws around food, not that we shouldn't follow Scripture's instructions! | Land of Honey

Related posts:
What the Bible Says about Meat and Dairy
Understanding Mark 7:19 and the Messiah Declaring All Foods Clean
The Difference Between Unclean and Abominable

Tips for Transitioning to a Biblically Clean Diet

10 Tips for Transitioning to a Biblically Clean Diet | Land of Honey

Are you struggling with making the change to a Biblically clean diet? Old habits are certainly hard to break, but Scripture says that you can do all things through the Messiah! Additionally, here are some ways you can help to make the process a little easier on yourself.

Tips for Transitioning to a Biblically Clean Diet:

-Keep in mind that the transition is the hardest part. You might feel hungry and frustrated now but these feelings will pass. Your body will naturally adjust and learn to crave Biblically clean foods. I've heard many former pork lovers say that they can't stand the smell of it anymore. This process will get easier as you go!

-Fast. Fasting is a Spiritual practice that has physical benefits as well. You could fast for several days or just a certain meal. You could do this regularly or occasionally. Use that time to pray that YHWH would help you break any unhealthy or unholy addictions or cravings. As a bonus, when you break fast you will be more receptive to the foods you're maybe not as much of a fan of. Hunger helps food to taste better. 

-Try new foods...or not. There are basically two schools of thought on this. You can try all sorts of new recipes and ingredients that you wouldn't normally have before as a way to find Biblically clean meals and snacks that you appreciate. Or you can go with 'cleaning up' some of the things you are used to switching to chicken or turkey sausage or "bacon" made from lamb or beef. Some people find the familiarity helpful, while others prefer to have things not taste different all of a sudden. Figure out which method works best for you.

-Figure out a new go-to pizza. If pizza is what you are frequently served at get-togethers, office lunches, impromptu meals, etc., you will want to have some new ideas of what to order or look for when pizza is served. Ground beef is available as a topping at most pizza places. Ground beef with onions and peppers is a favorite among believers I know. Barbecue chicken is another popular choice. If you're making your own pizza turkey pepperoni and chicken sausage are both easy to find and go well on pizza.

-Take encouragement from others. I've heard of the benefits from hundreds of people who have made this change in their life. It really is edifying to be obedient to Scripture. People report feeling closer to YHWH, growing spiritually, feeling better, and fewer health problems! Even those who haven't necessarily felt any changes report that they are glad they made this choice!

-Jot down Biblically clean staples to turn to. Make a list of family favorite recipes that are Biblically clean, or write out a list of clean snack options for yourself. Having a visual reminder can be very beneficial if you are breaking old habits. This is especially helpful if you have family members or roommates with unclean items in the kitchen that would be easy to turn to when you're hungry. Set yourself up for success by reminding yourself of what you can eat!

-Make meals at home. When you're making the adjustment it can be easier to cook meals rather than try to navigate restaurant menus. Get used to cooking and eating in a way that honors the Creator in an environment that you have control of. It will make it easier to go out later!

-Identify what you're having the most difficulty with. Is it a certain meal or a craving for a specific thing? Pray for wisdom about how to handle that. Can you fast that meal? How about finding a clean alternative? Remember that Scripture says you can do all things through the help of the Messiah!

-Go out for coffee, rather than a full meal. If friends that you normally go out with are not supportive of the changes you are making, then it might be easier to not eat with them for a while. Or if your local restaurants are hard to eat clean at but you still want to have a place to meet with friends, going out for coffee can be a nice alternative and it will save some money.

-Avoid places or things that might tempt you. Set yourself up for success by steering clear of normal temptations. If you were trying to lose weight, you wouldn't hang out in a donut shop all day and expect good results. As you work to eat Biblically clean, think about staying away from your regular breakfast spot if you would normally get bacon and sausage there. If your office normally has pepperoni pizza in the breakroom on Fridays, then going elsewhere for lunch could make it easier to make different decisions. 

-Remind yourself why you are doing this! Why did you make this decision? Did you feel the tug of the Holy Spirit in this direction? Are you wanting to honor the Creator in your daily life? Do you want to be more obedient to what the Bible says? All of those are worth all the sacrifices we make! 

Tips and practical advice for implementing a Bible-based diet in your life - eating Biblically clean | Land of Honey

Understanding 1 Corinthians 10:27

Understanding 1 Corinthians 10:27 from a Hebraic perspective - should we eat whatever is set before us? | Land of Honey

When I was first getting an understanding of Biblically clean eating and keeping other commandments in Scripture, 1 Corinthians 10:27 kept throwing a wrench in my understanding of the Bible.

This verse often gets translated like this:

"If any unbeliever invites you to a meal, and you want to go, eat whatever is put before you without raising questions of conscience." -1 Corinthians 10:27 NIV

Isn't this giving permission for us to eat anything, including unclean animals? At least when someone serves it to us? And if I shouldn't raise questions of conscience, I guess that means I should disregard any concerns I have over the ethics and decisions of multi-national corporations that are largely in control of the food supply, and not worry about things like supporting local farmers, good growing practices, or fair trade.

While it's hard to understand the above passage as anything but a free pass to do whatever we want, that is incredibly confusing in light of so many other passages from Scripture about clean eating! Why does the Bible share the story of Daniel refusing to eat unclean meat? Why does Peter mention after his vision that he has never eaten anything unclean? Why were Adam and Eve kicked out of the garden because of eating something the Creator told them not to? Why does Leviticus succinctly enumerate which animals should not be eaten? What is the point of all this if we are ultimately allowed to eat anything?

We need to know that the ancient Greek did not have punctuation. It just had words. How you string them together will greatly impact the meaning of the words! Do you remember those illustrations from middle school English on the importance of commas? Words like, "I want to eat, Mother" can mean someone is telling their mom they want to have dinner. But if you remove the comma and are left with, "I want to eat Mother," then the same words take on a cannibalistic meaning! That's a silly example but it demonstrates how punctuation can dramatically change the meaning of a sentence.

When Scripture is translated into English, it's up to the translators to add the grammar and punctuation that make it a lot more readable for us. How could their personal beliefs and the religious tradition they are surrounded with not impact where they choose to put those punctuation marks? While I believe the word of YHWH is perfect, human translations of it are not.

The word for word Greek translation goes like this:

all - the - those being offered - to you - you eat - not any - thoroughly judging - through - the - knowledge

The first time I read this I stopped after, "All being offered to you you eat." But if you keep going you have, "All being offered to you you eat not any." What a difference! This gives us an entirely opposite meaning! In the Greek, there is no punctuation to indicate if the word for 'not any' should be paired with eating or with thoroughly judging. It's up to the reader to understand how these words fit with Scripture. We do that by looking at the context this statement is made in - what's going on in the rest of the chapter? what was being discussed before that? who is the audience? - and what the rest of the Bible says about this subject.

Which translation of 1 Corinthians 10:27 fits better with the context of the whole Bible and what it says about food and eating? | Land of Honey

Which translation fits better with the context of this statement?

A few verses prior in 1 Corinthians 10:21, "You cannot drink from the cup of YHWH and the cup of demons." And just a few verses later, 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of YHWH," which illustrates that our decisions around food can glorify YHWH or not. From those verses it wouldn't make sense to say to not raise questions of conscience or use judgment when it comes to food matters.

Which translation fits better with the rest of the Bible?

We have instructions like, "you shall not eat what is unclean," lists explaining what can and cannot be eaten, examples of people like Daniel and Peter, and no indication whatsoever from the Messiah that they food instructions are no longer applicable. He even went out of his way to say, "I did not come to abolish the commandments." Translating the verse as, "Eat whatever is set before you without using your judgment," would be starkly opposed to other things the Bible says about eating.

There isn't anything in the context of this chapter or the rest of the Bible to support the common translation of, "Eat whatever is put before you without raising questions of conscience." That translation is jarring and doesn't fit with the rest of Scripture. A few chapters prior Paul literally tells us not to eat something that would cause someone else to stumble, so it wouldn't make sense for him to say to eat anything now.

Are you a follower of church tradition or YHWH's word? If we call ourselves Bible believers, would it be more fitting to translate this verse in a way that lines up with the rest of Scripture or with church doctrine? For me, that's an easy choice.

I believe a better translation of this part of Scripture would be:

"Whatever is set before you eat nothing, ask questions for conscience's sake."

A Hebraic understanding on "eat whatever you want" - a better translation of 1 Corinthians 10:27  - Land of Honey

When we understand the verse this way it fits with the rest of Scripture, and the verse makes more sense itself. Otherwise, why would it throw the bit in there about the conscience or "thoroughly judging through knowledge"? Does that really sound like the Bible, "Go ahead and do whatever - don't worry about your conscience"? This book is filled with commandments on how to live and stories of examples we are to follow - including people literally dying to keep YHWH's instructions - and then suddenly, "Whatever situation you're in, don't worry about turning to Scripture to see what you're supposed to do." (Because 'the knowledge' would be knowledge of what the Bible says.) Not judging if something is acceptable according to Scripture or not would also be a direct contradiction from the Messiah's instruction in John 7:24 to judge righteously!

It's also interesting to look at why this might have been said. We know that many early believers who had been part of Judaism followed an unbiblical rule of not eating with unbelievers. This began to change following Peter's vision, so many former Jews were eating with people who were new to the faith, or unbelievers, for the very first time. Paul is giving practical advice on how you act when you are in that situation, since many people he knew hadn't experienced that before. Also happening at the time was a huge evangelism push, where believers travelled far and wide to share the good news of the Messiah. These people were intentionally going to the homes of unbelievers and needed to know how to conduct themselves in a godly way. Paul is reminding his audience that unbelievers or even new believers are typically not familiar with the Biblical instructions about food, so that they don't accidentally eat something the Bible says not to while dining in someone's home.

This verse is an admonishment to actively work to keep the Bible's instructions about what we eat. It is literally telling us to ask questions before diving into a meal that someone else has prepared. When we have dinner at a family reunion, brunch at a friend's, or go out for a meal it is appropriate to ask questions about the ingredients so that we can maintain a Biblically clean diet. Questions like, "What's in this salad?" or "Is the quiche vegetarian?" or "Is this sausage beef or pork?" are okay to ask so that you can be informed about the decisions you make! Since we are to glorify YHWH with what we eat, that effort is well worth it.

Better understanding 1 Corinthians 10:27 - we need to make sure how we translate the Bible fits with the rest of what it says | Land of Honey

More on Biblically clean eating:
Understanding Peter's Vision
Understanding the Messiah Declaring All Foods Clean
Five Reasons Believers Should Keep the Bible's Dietary Commandments

What the Bible Means When It Talks About Clean Eating

What does it mean when the Bible talks about clean eating? | Land of Honey
What does it mean when the Bible talks about clean eating?

Scripture forbids us from eating unclean animals - easy explanation of Biblically clean | Land of Honey

Scripture forbids us from eating certain animals. In order to eat Biblically clean we need to avoid those animals.

Daniel didn't eat meat in Babylon, the Messiah fed people clean foods, and Peter never ate anything unclean because they wanted to honor the Creator by sticking with a Biblically clean diet | Land of Honey

This is why Daniel refused to eat meat in Babylon, why the Messiah fed people clean foods like fish and bread, and why Peter never ate anything unclean.

Biblically clean eating is not to earn salvation but to honor the Creator with our dietary choices! | Land of Honey

We are to eat this way, not because we have to earn salvation, but out of a desire to honor the Creator with the choices that we make.

If you eat or drink you are called to do so in a way that glorifies the Living God | Land of Honey

If you eat or drink you are called to do so in a way that glorifies the Living God.

More on clean eating:
Understanding Mark 7:19 and the Messiah Declaring All Foods Clean
A Hebraic Perspective on Peter's Vision
How to Eat Biblically Clean

5 Reasons Believers Should Keep the Bible's Dietary Commandments

5 Reasons Believers Should Keep the Bible's Dietary Instructions Today | Land of Honey

Are the Biblical instructions about food and eating for today?

Five reasons believers should keep the Bible's dietary commandments:

1. Scripture tells us to. The Bible devotes a fair amount of time to the food instructions, and I don't think that's for nothing. The Living God's word is not wasted. Like any loving parent he expects his children to listen to him when he is talking and to do what he says. The fact that Scripture mentions this and mentions it repeatedly tells us that we need to take note of it.

2. The Messiah expressly told us he did not come to change the commandments. While many believers would make a case that the Messiah did away with the dietary commandments or "made all foods clean," Yahusha went out of his way to say that he was not changing or doing away with Scripture's instructions (Matthew 5:17). That is a significant statement and something we need to seriously contemplate before we set aside any of the commandments, including those about what we eat.

3. New Testament believers kept them. Even in the New Testament, and even after the Messiah ascended into heaven we see that believers stuck to the Bible's parameters for clean eating. The Messiah served only clean foods such as bread, fish, and wine; Peter mentioned that he had never eaten anything unclean; the disciples were reprimanded by the Pharisees not for what they were eating, but for eating without washing their hands; Paul said that our eating should be done in a way that glorifies the Creator. There is simply no Biblical precedent for disregarding the dietary instructions of Scripture.

Why the Bible's food laws should be kept today: 1. The Bible instructs us to keep them. 2. The Messiah said he didn't come to do away with Biblical law. 3. New Testament believers adhered to these laws. | Land of Honey

4. It is a tangible step of faith for others to see. Personally my faith changed a lot when I finally got tired of telling people that I was a believer and then explaining away why my life didn't reflect the teachings of the Bible. Maybe it doesn't seem like what we eat should be a big deal, but let me tell you for those outside of the faith it is confusing why most believers follow so little of Scripture. Live out of Scripture so that people can see you're not just cherry-picking the Bible to suit your own purposes. Showing that you are convicted enough to inconvenience yourself is powerful, and a testimony about the work of YHWH in your life.

5. We are blessed by doing so. Who couldn't use a little more of the Living God's blessings on their life? Scripture says that choosing to be obedient to the word brings good things to us and is a source of life. I know many people who would share with you that Biblically clean eating has caused their faith and their relationship with YHWH to grow. Many would also tell you that it has improved their health. What a gift from our Creator that he bestows so many good things on us when we follow his instructions.

The Messiah didn't come to do away with Scripture's food commandments | Land of Honey

More about the Bible's instructions for what we eat:
What is Biblically Clean Eating?
How to Eat Biblically Clean
Understanding Peter's Vision
Understanding Mark 7:19 and the Messiah Declaring All Foods Clean

Get ready for the fall feasts

The Beginner's Guide to the Feast of Trumpets

Taking part in the Creator's appointed time of the Feast of Trumpets is an option for you, even if it's not something you have ever ...