A Few Things to Remember about Passover

No matter if you are new to celebrating Passover and the other Biblical holidays, or have been doing so as long as you remember, here are a few things to keep in mind as we approach this set apart time. These reminders will help you to focus on what's really important: the promises of YHWH and the death of the Messiah for our sins. 

As believers in Messiah our focus should be on remembering and honoring his sacrifice and death to give us life! Passover is all about being passed over from death, because of the blood of the lamb. 

It's okay if the food is not perfect. It's okay if you're not sure what to say during the service or meal or worship time. It's okay if you've never celebrated before and it feels strange. Passover is not about our actions being perfect, but resting in the one who is complete perfection.

No matter how simple or extravagant your celebration is, no matter if it goes according to plan or not, take joy in remembering the awesomeness of what happened on this day in Biblical history.

At Passover we remember that YHWH set the Israelites free from slavery. No one would have ever thought that a million slaves would one day walk out of Egypt. But all things are possible with our God, and whatever you're dealing with there is hope for you too!

Remember the meaning of this set apart time and enjoy Passover!

More about Passover:
What the Bible Says about Passover
Five Reasons Believers Should Keep Passover
Things the Messiah Said at Passover

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