The Torah was Kept Throughout the New Testament

Did you know that the Torah/Biblical law was kept throughout the New Testament - even after the ascension of the Messiah? | Land of Honey

Did you know the Torah was kept throughout the New Testament? Yes, those same Old Testament commandments that many of us today have been quick to dismiss as "done away with," or just vague principles for life, were still be honored even after the Messiah ascended into Heaven.

Did you know that the Torah/Biblical law was kept throughout the New Testament - even after the ascension of the Messiah? | Land of Honey

One example of this is that the Messiah always kept the Sabbath day and so did his followers - even after he was no longer with them! Many of us have made the incorrect assumption that because religious leaders made accusations against them that they weren't following the Torah. But that's not the case. If we study Scripture we see that while Yahusha and the disciples often set aside manmade Jewish traditions, they never violated Biblical law! 

Did you know that the Torah/Biblical law was kept throughout the New Testament - even after the ascension of the Messiah? | Land of Honey

Another example of Biblical law being kept throughout the New Testament is that Peter said he had never once eaten anything that the Bible says we shouldn't. This was years after the Messiah ascended into Heaven...and Peter was still following Biblical food laws.

Did you know that the Torah/Biblical law was kept throughout the New Testament - even after the ascension of the Messiah? | Land of Honey

The New Testament also gives special respect to the Torah when it defines sin as the breaking of the Bible's commandments. 1 John tells us that sin is when we violate the Torah's instructions!

Did you know that the Torah/Biblical law was kept throughout the New Testament - even after the ascension of the Messiah? | Land of Honey

These are just a few of the many examples of the Torah being kept and honored throughout the New Testament, both by the Messiah and by his followers even years after his death. While many people are quick to say that the Torah is an Old Testament thing that no longer applies, we should take time to study Scripture for ourselves to see if that is true or not!

Related posts:
Torah Keeping in the New Covenant
A Hebraic Perspective on Peter's Vision
Commandments or Traditions - Understanding the New Testament

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