Tour the Ark Encounter - Part 1

Tour the Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

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Not long ago we had the chance to travel to Kentucky to check out the Ark Encounter. Let me tell you, there is nothing like pulling up and seeing the massive size of the Ark! Even with Noah's Ark being such a familiar story for most of us you can't really grasp the enormity of what that would have looked like until you see it built to scale. It was amazing to see in person how the ark would have looked and how it could have operated. Because of how many pictures I have to share I'm breaking this up into two posts, and even then there is so much more to see! Ready for a look?

Tour the Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

 For perspective, that red dot on the other side of the lake is a person. That ramp is built for vehicles to drive on.

Tour the Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

 There were gift shops, coffee stands, and music stages outside. Most of these were closed during our visit in early April (We went during Matzah Week).

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

 Standing beneath the ark and looking up.

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

 Cages for smaller animals and containers for water.

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

 What it could have looked like to store the amount of grains needed to feed the animals.

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

 While Scripture provides many specifics about the construction of the ark, we are left to wonder at how the inside might have looked with practicalities like animal cages, food storage, living quarters for Noah's family, objects they might have brought along, and so on. They emphasized that what you see is their interpretation of what that could have looked like and how things might have worked.

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

 In the 600th year of Noah's life all the fountains of the great deep burst forth and the floodgates of Heaven opened. -Genesis 7:11

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

 One theory was the family could have propagated moths to feed the amphibians and reptiles.

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

Standing in the center of the ark and looking upwards.

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

 There were likely many animals on the Ark that are extinct today.

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

 The animals looked so real and many of the cages made noises while you went past. It was convincing!

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

 Everywhere you turned there was information - we learned a lot.

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

Water jugs for the people and animals.

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

 The Ark wasn't as big as the Titanic but it was longer that the Statue of Liberty is high!

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

 A glimpse of what the world might have looked like pre-flood and explanations of why YHWH brought judgment on it.

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

 There were many miniatures depicting the wickedness of the world before the flood, like in this gladiator like scene.

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

The giants/Nephilim of Scripture was briefly touched on as well.

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

Recently a celebrity musician dressed up to look like this goddess.

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

 They answered all the common questions about Noah's story.

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

 How the smaller animals could have been housed. They shared about ventilation, cleaning, and feeding as well.

Visiting the Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

Visiting the Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

Noah at the Ark Encounter | Land of Honey

 So Noah here is a Sculpture but he moves and talks. There are buttons you can press to ask questions and then he explains.

Visiting the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky | Land of Honey

I never thought about this but they depicted a library on board. 

Visiting the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky | Land of Honey

Visiting the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky | Land of Honey

See more pictures in part two! Have you visited the Ark Encounter? What did you think of it?


  1. I had tears walking through it. Have never looked at Scripture the same, and would definitely go again. Great photos!

    1. Thanks Andi! The whole experience definitely blew me away! I am with you!


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