Preparing for Passover

Passover is coming up soon! While all of the feasts of YHWH are significant Passover has a special place of importance for believers in the Messiah as it beautifully parallels his life and sacrifice.

My first Passover was when I was 15. While YHWH's feasts are not hard to celebrate if you have never experienced them before it can be a little daunting! I can tell you from experience that each time I celebrate Passover it comes more naturally and the meaning goes deeper in me. Whether you are new to Passover or not, here is some information to keep in mind as you prepare yourself and your home for Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits.

Preparing for Passover - ideas on how to celebrate this Biblical holiday | Land of Honey

Passover or Pesach commemorates the miraculous rescue of the Israelites from their slavery in Egypt, found in Exodus 1-15. On a deeper level this story speaks volumes on the blood of Yahusha and his salvation, with Passover being the exact day the Messiah was killed because of our transgressions. Passover is one day and it is immediately followed by the Feast of Unleavened Bread or Matzah Week.

Passover falls on the Biblical date of Aviv 14. Since our modern calendar doesn't perfectly mesh up with the Biblical one, the date varies by year, but is normally in late March to early April. Immediately following Passover beings the Feast of Unleavened Bread, also known as the Feast of Matzah, which lasts for seven days. Yep, eight consecutive days of celebration!

At your house! There are special instructions for our homes during Passover and the Feast of Matzah.

Exodus 12:1-24 and Leviticus 23:5-8.

What does this mean for me?

No work days.
YHWH is a fan of mandatory vacation! The Passover season gives us two days where work is prohibited - the day right after Passover, the first day of Unleavened Bread, and the second on the last day of Unleavened Bread. We should make plans to have time off from our jobs those days, as well as plan ahead to avoid cooking and housework. I believe this is an intentional instruction to free us up from the distractions that would keep our minds off these special days. More about what a no-work day is here.

Get the leaven out of your house. We are instructed to remove it from our homes and to avoid eating it during the Feast of Unleavened Bread in Exodus 12:19, so we have some Spring cleaning to do. Scripture simply says to remove leaven from your home. The first place to start is by removing yeast and leavened bread from your fridge and pantry. You can use these in the next few weeks and what you can't use can be donated to a soup kitchen. You can learn more about this here. While most of the leaven in our homes is found in the cupboard or refrigerator there can also be some in the form of bread crumbs on the floor or couch, etc. Cleaning our homes and searching out the hidden leaven has obvious spiritual application of searching for sin in us and removing it.

Get the leaven out of your heart. Spend some time prayerfully examining yourself and lifestyle. Does it line up with Scripture? Ask YHWH to help you make changes to honor him with your life. More about spiritual preparation for Passover here.

You'll need matzah. While this doesn't have to be the only thing that you eat, you should eat it some each day - it is called the Feast of Unleavened Bread for a reason. If you plan to purchase it, you'll want to make sure the box reads 'Kosher for Passover,' depending on where you live this might not be easy to find. You can order it online or find a recipe to make your own.

Make plans for a meal. Often called Seder (pronounced say-der), this is the meal of Passover; the meal Yahusha shared with his disciples as his last supper. I like to describe Seder as the Gospel in seven courses. In traditional Seders there is a lengthy meal with many blessings and Scriptures spoken, the story of the Exodus is read, and the foods eaten have rich meaning. It by no means needs to be fancy or complicated and hosting your own is totally doable! You can also search online for a Hebrew Seder meal you can attend online or in person. If you're making plans to have your own at home, see this post.

Celebrate. This is a holiday so make plans to act like it! Put up decorations, find leaven free recipes to try, make crafts with your kids, invite friends over for a special dinner with unleavened bread, watch the Ten Commandments movie, read the story of Passover in Scripture, as well as the Messiah's last supper. The thing that makes these days special is treating them that way. If you need ideas check out these ideas for the Biblical holidays.

More about Passover:
How to Host a Passover Seder
Meal Ideas for the Feast of Unleavened Bread
Passover Bucket List
Things the Messiah Said at Passover


  1. Do you have a good recipe for unleavened bread?

    1. I like to my unleavened bread out of einkorn flour. Here's the link to my recipe:


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