Showing posts with label what does Sukkot mean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label what does Sukkot mean. Show all posts

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners | Land of Honey

Here's a simple guide to the Biblical holiday of the Feast of Tabernacles for beginners.

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners | Land of Honey

The Feast of Tabernacles, also known as Sukkot, is the very last Biblical holiday of the year. It happens in the early fall.

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners | Land of Honey

Celebrating Tabernacles is a commandment found in Scripture. Leviticus 23:41 says this festival is a lasting ordinance and not just for people in Bible times.

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners | Land of Honey

The Feast of Tabernacles is an eight day holiday! Since Leviticus 23:43 says we should live in temporary dwelling places during the holiday many people go camping, or eat outside in their backyard under a 'sukkah' which is similar to a canopy.

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners | Land of Honey

The Bible says that dwelling in temporary shelters is to remind us that that children of Israel did the same thing when God set them free from slavery and they left Egypt. Celebrating Tabernacles helps us to better understand Scripture.

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners | Land of Honey

When we remember that he sets slaves free we get a better understanding of who he is! He is the God who can set us free from slavery, fear, addiction, heartbreak, or any other bad thing. At Tabernacles we celebrate that nothing is too hard for him!

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners | Land of Honey

Tabernacles also reminds us that one day the Messiah will return and dwell with us!

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners | Land of Honey

The Messiah celebrated Tabernacles in John 7, and Zechariah 14:16 says it will be celebrated when he rules the world. Why not join in and celebrate our Messiah's special time?

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners | Land of Honey

More on the Feast of Tabernacles:
Should Believers Keep the Biblical Holidays?
The Feast of Tabernacles: What it Means and Why You Should Celebrate It
Eight Things Scripture Says About the Feast of Tabernacles

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