Land of Honey strives to help you understand both the Old and New Testaments of Scripture! 

Growing up in mainstream Christianity, I struggled to make sense of the Bible. I thought that Scripture contradicted itself. I thought that Jesus was very different than God was in the Old Testament. It seemed like Paul ignored most of the Bible, and I thought the Gospel was exclusionary, and that women were treated terribly.

It's taken me a lot of studying to correctly understand many passages in Scripture. I'm relieved to let you know that it is in fact none of those things! The Old and New Testaments fit together beautifully, and God's nature is consistent from Genesis 1 through today. God's word is not racist or misogynistic! And Paul's writings actually make sense, but usually not in the way that pastors think. 

My goal is to teach Biblical truth concisely, in a way that can be understood without ignoring other parts of the Bible.

As I study the word, it becomes more and more apparent that we are called to live in a way that honors YHWH. I have implemented things like keeping the Sabbath, Biblical eating, and celebrating the holidays of the Creator as ways to honor the Messiah with my life! He said if we love him then we should keep his commands. Land of Honey is where I share joy-filled, practical instructions for implementing the Bible's instructions into our lives.

Comment policy:
I do my best to respond to the questions and comments left here and on Land of Honey social media, but please be aware that I am just one person and I'm not always able to respond to every single comment. If you left an encouraging word, I am grateful for your support!

If you don't agree with aspects of my faith, I understand! I did not grow up this way and I'm familiar with all the arguments against Sabbath keeping, etc. But if you are a Bible believer we still share much in common! Rather than debate, I would encourage you to use your time to spread the Gospel to those who haven't heard it or to show the Father's love to someone who hasn't experienced that recently.

While I'm thrilled that so many people are sharing my work, Land of Honey articles and/or graphics should not be republished without my written consent. You're welcome to quote me, but any quotations should be clearly cited. If you are citing or referencing Land of Honey digitally, please prominently display a link back to my original work. Please do not try and pass off my words, photography, or graphics as your own. Thank you!

Copyright 2023 Land of Honey.

These Wrong Assumptions Keep People from Understanding God's Word

Misconceptions that Keep Us from Understanding the Bible

The Bible has been a controversial and misunderstood book.  Why is the Bible confusing? Why do so many people, sects, and denominations disa...