Is Keeping Biblical Law Possible?

Is it possible to keep Biblical law today? | Land of Honey
This post takes examines the common Christian belief that keeping Biblical law has always been impossible, and that it can't be done today. We will see that this idea does not fit with God's words says about this.

We have often heard that the commandments given to Moses and the Israelites at Mount Sinai are simply too hard for us to keep. If that is so, doesn't that seem a bit ridiculous - why would YHWH bother? Why make up a bunch of rules just to get rid of later?

Since the commandments are likened to a marriage contract, it would be helpful to start there. At our wedding, my husband and I vowed to love, honor, and care for one another. Do we do these things perfectly? 100% of the time? No. Does that mean we shouldn't even try? Of course not!

The Messiah always upheld Scripture's commandments and instructed us to keep his commands if we love him (John 14:15).

Just as each of us have specific ways we want to be loved, so does our Creator - in whose image we were made. Saying, "I love you" is important in a relationship, but stopping there will lead to trouble. Your actions need to back that statement up. Doing things for your spouse, spending time together, supporting one another - these are things that demonstrate your love. Should we be surprised that the Living God wants more from us than simply phrases like, "I believe in you," or "I love you"? After all, he made us in the very image of himself.

When YHWH gave the law he was not doing so to be cruel or to overcomplicate things. He did not do so out of punishment, but rather to teach people how to have a better relationship with him, and how to have an abundant following Biblical law. And he told us that we really can do what he says.

"For this commandment which I am giving you today is not too  hard for you, it is not beyond your reach." -Deuteronomy 30:11

That settles it. If God says his word isn't too difficult to do, then it's not too difficult. He knows that we are humans, and he knows we fall short so many times. But he does expect us to try our best to follow his instructions. 

The Messiah said, "Blessed are these that  hear the word of YHWH and put it into practice." In the Messiah's day the New Testament hadn't been written. The only thing he could have been referring to was the Old Testament, and that includes Biblical law. The commandments are practical steps we can take to honor the Living God through our actions. Jesus said it was a good idea to keep it. And we can.

Scripture Tells Us that Keeping Biblical Law is Not Too Hard for Us |  Land of Honey

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