A Watercolor Daffodil Seder

Chag sameach! I hope you have spent the past days celebrating in the Spring Festivals - Passover, The Feast of Matzah, and First Fruits. We had an especially lovely Seder meal this year and I wanted to share some photos.

A Watercolor Daffodil Seder | Land of Honey

Here is this year's one page haggadah! 

A Watercolor Daffodil Seder | Land of Honey

Daffodils are in full bloom here in the Midwest. They made gorgeous (and free) centerpieces.

A Watercolor Daffodil Seder | Land of Honey

I realize these aren't all technically daffodils.

A Watercolor Daffodil Seder | Land of Honey

A Watercolor Daffodil Seder | Land of Honey

We also use these super fun coasters from Matanote.

A Watercolor Daffodil Seder | Land of Honey

The Seder plate while this is traditional and not required by Scripture, describing the Besorah in seven courses is a beautiful portrayal of the story.

A Watercolor Daffodil Seder | Land of Honey

A Watercolor Daffodil Passover Seder | Land of Honey

The sandwich!

A Watercolor Daffodil Passover Seder | Land of Honey

A Watercolor Daffodil Passover Seder | Land of Honey

Reading, "The Story of Yisrael."

A Watercolor Daffodil Passover Seder | Land of Honey

This is our new favorite Pesach menu, taken from the Seder plate. We had:
Roasted Lamb
Romaine Salad with Tahini Dressing
Veggies with Hummus
Hard-boiled Eggs
Baked Charoseth

A Watercolor Daffodil Passover Seder | Land of Honey

A Watercolor Daffodil Passover Seder | Land of Honey

Dessert was mini pavlovas, with chocolate coconut cream, and berries.

A Watercolor Daffodil Passover Seder | Land of Honey

Happy Feast of Unleavened Bread!

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