Messiah our Pesach

Passover starts tomorrow night! Are you guys ready? For the past few years I have made the Seder meal for 25+ people. This year we are having a potluck style meal so I actually have less to do than usual. I am bringing the grape juice I made last summer, and dessert, and I also made a four hour round trip to pick up the matzah and lamb. As promised here is another Passover printable! Use it to decorate or as a bookmark in your Scriptures.

1 Corinthians 5:8 printable | Land of Honey

1 Corinthians 5:8 - For Messiah our Pesach was sacrificed for us: so then let us keep the Feast, not with old chametz; but with the unleavened matzah of sincerity and truth.

Free Passover Printable | Land of Honey

This is free for your personal use. Download it here.

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