
Departing from Torah Breaking

2 Timothy 2:19 - believers in the Messiah need to follow his instructions | Land of Honey

"Let everyone who names the name of the Messiah depart from breaking the Torah." -2 Timothy 2:19

Take a second to ponder that verse...if you serve the Messiah, it's time for you to stop violating his commandments. 

It's worth noting that this is a New Testament verse. This instruction isn't just for people in Bible times or those before the Messiah. Paul wrote his letters to Timothy years after the Messiah ascended into Heaven. This verse is talking to you and me.

If we are going to follow the Messiah, then it's time for us to do what we can to stop breaking his commandments. This isn't about doing everything perfectly or being held to an impossible standard. This is about intentionally taking steps to honor the Creator. 

I like the use of "depart" in this verse because it makes me think of departing for a journey. When you prepare for a trip you are intentional, you make plans for visiting this new place. You've carefully considered the weather and what you'll need to pack. The Messiah is asking you to step out on a new journey with him. Have you thought about what you'll need to do to depart? What would it look like for your faith to grow in this way? 

What would it take for you to depart from breaking his commandments? Do you need to study Scripture to see what those instructions are? Are you feeling challenged to start taking the Sabbath day seriously? Would practical ideas for showing love to others help? Make plans for your departure now. And once you've set out on this journey keep looking at the map! The Creator does not expect you to figure it all out at once so keep growing and making changes as you continue to study the word.


  1. Can you tell me what version of the Bible reads this way? Everything I’ve looked up is a bit different. Thanks!

    1. Hi Carley! That translation is from the Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition.

    2. Is there a version of the Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition online? All other versions are available online. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    3. Not to my knowledge. That would be so nice though!
