
Free Milk & Honey Printable

I hope everyone has been enjoying lovely spring weather as we countdown the final days of the Omer. Seeing lovely chalk art on various blogs and coffee shops and cafes inspired me to create this printable for Shavuot.

Styled simply with a fresh tulip in an antique milk jar and honey.

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 Exodus 3:8 describes Israel as a land "flowing with milk and honey." With the centrality that dairy--ice cream, cheesecake, blintzes, and more--plays in the Shavuot celebrations I thought it would be fitting. It is an excellent reminder of the beauty of the land of Israel and also the abundant blessings YHVH provides each of us.

So thankful for the many fresh blooms in my yard!
This printable is free for your personal use. I hope you will use it to decorate your home for Shavuot.

Milk and Honey printable by Land of Honey.

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